Selected Programs and Code Repositories
Some code repositories, current through 8/2023.
Bracket-based GNNs A Python implementation of our NODE-style structure-preserving bracket-based graph neural networks.
Hamiltonian-OpInf A Python implementation of Hamiltonian operator inference, with experiments reproducing the results of our paper.
Multifidelity-Monte-Carlo A Python implementation of multifidelity Monte Carlo estimation, with experiments reproducing the results of the relevant papers.
Metriplectic-POD-ROM An example-focused Jupyter notebook implementation of our metriplectic POD-ROM algorithm.
Data-Driven-ROM A (mostly clean) Python implementation of our autoencoder-based ROMs. Also includes POD-ROM code for the 1-D inviscid Burger’s equation and the 2-D unsteady Navier-Stokes equations.
New-NLL A clean Python implementation of our modified NLL algorithm.
Quasiconformal Remeshing A messy research implementation of our quasiconformal remeshing algorithm.
p-Willmore Flow A messy research implementation of our p-Willmore flow algorithm.
Active Manifolds Python code necessary to run the Active Manifolds algorithm.
AM Examples A Jupyter notebook outlining some basic applications of Active Manifolds. Requires the “Active Manifolds” code above and an installation of Active Subspaces to run the notebook locally.