Selected Talks and Seminars

Some selected presentations, current through 4/2022.

Invited Presentations


  • Anthony Gruber, Colloquium talk, Texas Tech University, Lubbock. Some nonlinear PDEs in computer graphics and data science, (50 min; Sep 29, 2021).


  • Anthony Gruber. Invited Talk, Cameron University Mathematics Seminar Series, Lawton, OK (virtual). Calculus for Computer Graphics and Data Science, (50 min; Oct. 19, 2021).


  • Anthony Gruber. Invited Talk, SIAM Southeastern Atlantic Section, special session on Deep Learning Methods for Data Driven Models, Auburn University, Auburn, AL, Sep. 17-18, 2021. Convolutional neural networks for data compression and reduced order modeling, (30 min; Sep. 18, 2021).


  • Anthony Gruber. Paper presentation, 18th International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics (virtual), Rhodes, Greece, Sep 17-23, 2020. Willmore stable minimal surfaces, (30 min; Sep. 17, 2020).


  • Anthony Gruber. Paper presentation, 18th International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics (virtual), Rhodes, Greece, Sep 17-23, 2020. Quaternionic remeshing during surface evolution, (30 min; Sep. 17, 2020).


  • Anthony Gruber. Invited talk, AMS special session 1159, Geometry of Submanifolds and Integrable Systems (virtual), University of Texas at El Paso, Sep 12-13, 2020. Codazzi tensors with parallel mean curvature, (25 min; Sep. 12, 2020).


  • Anthony Gruber. Plenarly lecture as early career speaker, 63rd Texas Geometry and Topology Conference (virtual), Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Apr 24-26, 2020. Stationary surfaces for curvature functionals, (50 min; Apr. 23, 2020).


  • Robert A. Bridges (presenter), Anthony Gruber, Christopher Felder, Miki Verma, Chelsey Hoff. Paper presentation, 36th International Conference on Machine Learning, Long Beach, California, June 9-15, 2019. Active Manifolds: A non-linear analogue to Active Subspaces, (June 11, 2019).

Seminar Talks


  • Anthony Gruber. Seminar talk, Applied Mathematics group, Texas Tech University, Lubbock. Artificial neural networks for dimension reduction and reduced-order modeling, (50 min; Sep. 30, 2021).


  • Anthony Gruber. Seminar talk, Applied Mathematics group, Texas Tech University, Lubbock. Computing stationary solutions to p-Willmore flow, (50 min; Apr. 22, 2020).


  • Anthony Gruber. Dissertation defense, Texas Tech University, Lubbock. Curvature functionals and p-Willmore energy, (50 min; May 9, 2019).


  • Anthony Gruber. Seminar talk, Computational and Applied Mathematics group, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee. Active Manifolds: a geometric approach to dimension reduction for sensitivity analysis, (50 min; Aug. 1, 2018).



  • Anthony Gruber. Job talk, various locations. Geometric Computing for Modeling and Approximation, (50 min; 2021-2022).